Sunday, 31 January 2010

PoeiOei: When Batik Meets Skulls

Batik is now claimed by Indonesia as our national treasure after Malaysia try to "steal" it. After that friction, there are so many people using batik as their daily wardrobe and sometimes I feel bored with that . But seeing PoeiOei products makes me believe that batik really has a very genuine aesthetic quality. PoeiOie could turns traditional batik tulis into very elegant things such as handbags or laptop case. I really like how they combine the beautiful styles of batik with a rockin' skull into their handcrafted-genuine leather bags. This is how something contemporer could harmonize with local products (I hope I'm not take it too far:) Well well, the point is: PoeiOei really makes me proud with batik as our national heritage! You should too! :)

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