Tuesday, 2 February 2010


When the art of silkscreen printing meets the essential hand drawing, perhaps we may talk about Prihatmoko Catur aka Moki. With his dreadlock-hairdo along with well-defined free-form style of paintings Moki successfully conjoined silkscreen process with sharp characters drawing

Just like a true artist that could not be restricted in a matter of media explorations, Moki began to cope with various merchandise as his medium, he really loves cotton/t-shirts as his fetish. Character-oriented design in a weird manner is his approach in every of his t-shirt designs. While taking himself deep into the world of paintings, He has many projects throwing in some bands, He is listed as a member of Jogjakarta shoegaze heroes and dark instrumentalia-lullaby band, Airport Radio where he plays drum. Airport Radio has just launched their new album last January called "Turun Dalam Rupa Cahaya". More about his works, check Moki;s personal blog, http://prihatmokomoki.blogspot.com/.

Contributed by Adi Renaldi. (with some adjustment by the editor :)

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