Thursday, 28 January 2010

A Little Place called: CUPS

This morning I just find out there is a very cute place called Cups Little Cafe. They just done some renovation in their place and, wow, as I saw in the pictures they look really really great! So, if you looking for a place to hangout or just chill with your friends, here is the right place to go. You can taste CUPS homemade yoghurt , homemade ice cream, fresh cut potato wedge, homemade chocolate and praline, and lots of good drinks like tea and milk....Please, celebrate you day at CUPS!

Cups Little Café, Jl. Gayam 35, Jogja (East: Geronimo, West: Mandala Krida) 0274 – 551855

1 komentar:

Miy said...

waaa.. thank you for writing such a nice thing about My Little Cups.. <3!

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