17 September 2011
Ruang MES 56
Jl. Nagan Lor No. 17, Yogyakarta
Artist Residency (Work-In-Progress) Project Presentation
Samantha Tio a.k.a Mintio (Singapore)
Samantha Tio a.k.a Mintio (Singapore), kali ini akan mempresentasikan beberapa hasil eksperimen berkaryanya selama menjalani masa residensi di Ruang MES 56 selama lima bulan terakhir ini. Mintio melakukan eksperimen bagaimana fotografi dapat di transformasikan dalam media kain yang di batik. Awalnya ia belajar batik dari ibu-ibu pembatik di Klaten Jawa Tengah. Presentasi ini tidak akan jauh beda dengan open studio yang bulan lalu ia adakan di studionya yang terletak di daerah Sewon Bantul, hanya kali ini dia tidak melibatkan pengunjung untuk mempraktekkan secara langsung. Pada kesempatan ini MES 56 secara langsung meminta Mintio agar kembali mempresentasikan hasil eksperimen fotografinya ini untuk berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan. Mintio akan melangsungkan residensinya sampai bulan Oktober dan nantinya akan mengadakan pamerannya di awal tahun 2012.
- Samantha Tio a.k.a Mintio (Singapore) will present some of her experiment works-in-progress which she has made during her five months residency period at Ruang MES 56. In her experiment, she made an exploration on how photography can be transformed onto batik painted fabric. She started to learn to make batik from a community in Klaten, Central Java. Actually, this presentation is not (much) different with her open studio which was held last month, but this time she will not involve the audience to practice directly. In this occasion, Ruang MES 56 asked Mintion to re-present her photographic experiment for sharing the experience and knowledge during her residency period. Mintio will finish her residency period in October, and the final works from her residency will be exhibited in the beginning of 2012.
Through this publication, we would like to inform you that since September 30, 2011 Ruang MES 56 would be no longer reside at Jalan Nagan Lor 17 Patehan, Kraton, Yogyakarta 55131. Temporarily we don’t have (physical) space for exhibition, but we would be more focus on several internal agenda be sides organizing exhibition.
Ruang MES 56’s administrative activities and archiving would be based on Edwin “Dolly” Roseno’s residence, at
Jl. Panembahan Mangkurat Gg. Sardjono No. 7
Yogyakarta 55131 Telp: (0274) 372860
For those who want to access our books, catalogues collection from our library , stockroom, and mailing correspondence we will allocate it at
Angki Purbandono’s studio
Jl. Langenastran Kidul No. 26 Panembahan,
Kraton, Yogyakarta 55131 Telp: (0274) 376255
In the mean time, for all of our exhibitions, presentations or other projects, we would cooperate with some organization, institutions or other galleries.
We are very open for any collaboration in the future, and would like to say our great gratitude for all the supports through all these years.
Best regards from all of MES 56 bois.
Photo & Teks by Ruang Mes56
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