Thursday 17 December 2009

Maurizio Anseri: photographs featuring embrodery= cool!

Italian artist Maurizio Anzeri's process incorporates both photography and embroidery. His intricately sewn and often brightly colored vintage photographs call to mind the collage work of Surrealists and Dadaists such as Hannah Hoch, Raoul Hausmann and John Stezaker. In discussing his work, Anzeri states:
"I work with sewing, embroidery and drawing to explore the essence of signs in their physical manifestation. I take inspiration from my own personal experience and observation of how, in other cultures, bodies themselves are treated as living graphic symbols. I then use sewing and embroidery in a further attempt to re-signify, and mark the space with a man-made sign, a trace. I am interested in people’s stories and histories, and the relation between intimacy and the outer world. I have been working with hair for the past few years. I stitch and sew hair together until it becomes a sculpture. I see hair as a metaphorical medium to represent bodily boundaries, the embodiment of space."

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