Wednesday 25 November 2009

South Alun-alun: Shared-Space, Sharing Story

South Alun-alun: Shared-Space, Sharing Story is an activity/program which is one of the part of SPACE/SCAPE {Reproducing Yogyakarta City Square (Alun-Alun) as Social Space} project runs by Kunci Cultural Studies. Ok, long and boring title! So what the hell is that?

SPACE/SCAPE is is a research based and socially engaged project that combines social research method and artistic experimentation to explore Alun-Alun area of Yogyakarta. The "experimentation" word means this is not the boring old skool research like it used to, the one that you can never understand and get involved with--Kunci tries to observe the dynamic interaction with the local communities through workshops and invited artist and researchers who will critically and creatively intervene the contemporary reproduction of Alun-alun public space.

South Alun-alun: Shared-Space, Sharing Story is one of the program which let us to get involved with this project. In 24 Nov 2009, Kunci made two "Monument of Love" instalation where we can share our memories, pictures and love story. What makes this research is very interesting because they are not all based in books, papers or serious research methods. Kunci tries to find personal or family history as their subject of research because our story is also a history.

Kunci also invite artists in Yogyakarta to respon South Alun-Alun by making artworks like photography, instalation, performance or video. They will present their works at South Alun-Alun, 28 November 2009. Be there! Be the part of this research!

More fun projects from this SPACE/SCAPE project, see here.
By the way, these are some pictures from "Monument of Love" project that you can see further more in their website.

KUNCI Cultural Studies Center is a non-profit and independent organization established in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 1999, working to create an Indonesian society that is culturally critical, open, and empowered. Its mission is to develop cultural studies based on the spirit of exploration and experimentation and to advance it into a wider movement through popular education practices.

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